Copyright has adopted the following policy toward copyright infringement on the services. The contact information for copyright takedown notices ("Contact Information") is listed below.

Submit a Copyright Infringement Notification

If you believe your copyright-protected work was posted on or is shared by a torrent on without authorization, you may submit a copyright infringement notification. These requests should only be submitted by the copyright owner or an agent authorized to act on the owner’s behalf.

If you choose to request removal of content by submitting an infringement notification, please remember that you are initiating a legal process.

Do not make false claims. Misuse of this process may result in the suspension of your account or other legal consequences.

We accept free-form copyright infringement notifications submitted by email and plan to create a webform.

Copyright Infringement Notification Requirements

Copyright takedown notifications must include the following elements. Without this information, we will be unable to take action on your request:

  1. Your contact information

    You’ll need to provide information that will allow us and the uploader(s) of any content you remove to contact you regarding your complaint, at a minimum, your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address.

  2. A description of your work that you believe has been infringed

    In your complaint, be sure to clearly and completely describe the copyrighted content you are seeking to protect.

  3. Each allegedly infringing content’s or torrent's specific URL

    Your complaint must contain the specific URL of the content or torrent's presentation page you believe infringes your rights, or we will be unable to locate and remove it. General information about the content, such as a search URL, is not adequate. Please include the URL(s) of the exact content or torrent(s). For a torrent, the URL should be in the following format:

  4. You must agree to and include the following statement:

    “I have a good faith belief that the use of the material in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law.”

  5. And the following statement:

    "The information in this notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, I am the owner, or an agent authorized to act on behalf of the owner, of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.”

  6. Your signature

    Complete complaints require the physical or electronic signature of the copyright owner or a representative authorized to act on their behalf. To satisfy this requirement, you may type your full legal name to act as your signature at the bottom of your complaint.

Contact Information

Please submit all copyright notices to:
